Sitesuma has been in continuous development since 2007, the release notes give an overview of what has been provided through each release.
v 5.73.0 (in development)
v 5.72.3 (09-oct-2024)
- Ensure DeleteUser page can only be called from UserList or UserDetails pages.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.72)
v 5.72.2 (05-jun-2024)
- Added the ability to permanently remove/anonymise all deleted users in one go (previously had to process them one by one).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.72)
v 5.72.1, v.5.70.2 (29-may-2024)
- Bug fixes in Single Image Plugin (tasks 2630, 2647, 2978).
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (task 67493).
These changes have also been applied to a new legacy branch, 5.70.2, but will not be back-ported to other intermediate releases. - (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.72)
v 5.72.0 (28-feb-2024)
- Added options when sending bulk emails to ignore "subscribed" status, and ignore "email validated within last X days" status.
- Modified default Content-Security-Policy header so that it doesn't block 2FA QR code images.
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 63652, 64846)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.72)
v 5.71.0 (03-jan-2024)
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite.
- Developer: Allow editing of TrackedData via Diagnostics page.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.68)
v 5.70.1 (11-oct-2023)
- Bug fix in Block Editor logic.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.68)
v 5.70.0 (29-jun-2023)
- Added support for richer configuration of X-XSS-Protection, X-Content-Type-Options, Content-Security-Policy and Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response headers.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- - XXSSProtectionHeader
- - XContentTypeOptionsHeader
- - ContentSecurityPolicyHeader
- - StrictTransportSecurityHeader
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.68)
v 5.69.0 (12-apr-2023)
- Edge case bug fix in multi-factor authentication functionality.
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite.
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 60366, 61536)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.68)
v 5.68.0 (27-jul-2022)
- New feature: introduced support for multi-factor authentication.
- Improved performance of Block Templates functionality.
- Upgraded .NET Framework dependency to v.4.7.1.
- Developer: added DBCache support.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- - DBCacheEnabled
- - MultiFactorAuthenticationEnabled
- - MultiFactorAuthenticationRequiredEveryXDays
- - MultiFactorAuthenticationIssuer
- - MultiFactorAuthenticationToleranceMinutes
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 57842, 59433)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.68)
v 5.67.0 (05-jan-2022)
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.66)
v 5.66.0 (28-oct-2021)
- Updated "encryption of data at rest" functionality.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.66)
v 5.65.0 (20-oct-2021)
- Completed development of "encryption of data at rest" functionality.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.65)
v 5.64.0 (05-oct-2021)
- Internal release.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- EncryptDataAtRest - - ReservedSystemUserUserName
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.64)
v 5.63.0 (18-aug-2021)
- Bug fix in Delete User functionality.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.62.3 (16-aug-2021)
- Bug fix in Block Templates functionality.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.62.2 (29-jul-2021)
- Improvements to Block Templates functionality.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.62.1 (22-apr-2021)
- Bug fix affecting paging of Message Lists in admin back-end.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.62.0 (04-jan-2021)
- Improvements to Block Templates functionality.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.61.1 (03-nov-2020)
- Minor bug fix in authentication token logic.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.61.0 (20-aug-2020)
- Developer: new site config settings:
- EmailValidationConfirmationText - (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.60.0 (22-jun-2020)
- Data privacy improvements: user IP addresses are no longer stored by default on log in.
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite.
- Session-state handling switched to In-Process to reduce hosting dependency.
- Improved perfomance of Authentication Token validation logic.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- StoreUserIPAddress - Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (task 53434)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.59.2 (03-jun-2020)
- Upgraded jquery library dependency to v.3.5.1.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.59.1 (10-mar-2020)
- Improved Preview/Edit/Publish workflow.
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 52343, 52350)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.59.0 (26-feb-2020)
- New feature: Block Templates.
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 51085, 51870)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.59)
v 5.58.0 (15-jan-2020)
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.54)
v 5.57.0 (25-oct-2019)
- New and improved site-wide password-protection functionality (for use during staging/UAT phases).
- List of Rich Text editor content filters is now configurable.
- Bug fix: user creations and updates are now correctly attributed in the admin event log.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- SiteWidePasswordProtectionPassword
- SiteWidePasswordProtectionIntroduction
- SiteWidePasswordProtectionExpiryMinutes
- RadEditorContentFilters - Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 49618, 49621, 49622, 49623, 49634, 49635, 49974, 50392, 50393, 50630, 50698, 50744)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.54)
v 5.56.0 (29-jul-2019)
- It is now possible to pre-select user groups to which public access will be restricted when creating new Document Resources.
- General tidy up of Resource Manager GUI, moving public and editor access rights to separate tabs.
- Uncommon/outdated resource types (e.g. Flash) are now hidden by default. It is further possible to hide any combination of resource types for a given site.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- RestrictNewDocumentResourcesToUserGroups
- HideFlashResourceManager
- HideVideoResourceManager
- HideImageResourceManager
- HideImageListResourceManager
- HideDocumentResourceManager
- HideEventResourceManager
- HideListResourceManager
- HideSnippetResourceManager - Maintenance tasks (tasks 49373, 49451, 49531)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.54)
v 5.55.1 (03-jul-2019)
- Maintenance release (task 49122).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.54)
v 5.55.0 (25-jun-2019)
- Performance improvement in SecondaryFriendlyUrl logic.
- Sitesuma template URLs no longer require country code (cc) in query string.
- All cookies are now flagged as HttpOnly.
- Developer: switched from Classic to Integrated pipeline mode in IIS.
- Maintenance tasks (tasks 48494)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.54)
v 5.54.0 (24-may-2019)
- Introduced user API keys and associated developer functionality. This will benefit future client-specific API development.
- Added new get-api-key API end-point.
- InstallationPath site config setting will now auto-repair if incorrect.
- Bug fix: failed login attempts will no longer incorrectly update the "last logged in date" of user records.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- EnableCoreApi
- APIKeyExpiryDurationHours - Maintenance tasks (tasks 45917, 47867, 47898, 47947)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.54)
v 5.53.8 (09-may-2019)
- Upgraded jquery library dependency to v.3.4.1.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.7 (10-apr-2019)
- Maintenance release (refactoring of image processing logic).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.6 (22-mar-2019)
- Stability improvements in caching logic.
- Maintenance tasks (tasks 45681, 46866, 47048, 47066)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.5 (23-jan-2019)
- Developer: added a 'Source' filter to Message list retrieval.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.4 (09-jan-2019)
- Developer: added ability for Messages to be marked as replies to existing Messages (currently only available to bespoke site-specific code).
- Improved performance of Message retrieval.
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 46274, 46403, 46443)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.3 (18-oct-2018)
- Downgraded .NET Framework dependency from v.4.7.1 to v.4.6.1, to support older hosting environments.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.2 (17-oct-2018)
- Downgraded .NET Framework dependency from v.4.7.2 to v.4.7.1.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.1 (17-oct-2018)
- Bug fixed in email analytics logic affecting sites configured to force all traffic over HTTPS.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.53.0 (16-oct-2018)
Numerous security enhancements:
- If site is configured to force all traffic over HTTPS:
- all cookies will be marked as secure.
- a strict-transport-security HTTP response header will be added. - Addition of x-frame-options HTTP response header for all requests, not just Sitesuma templates.
- Addition of x-content-type-options HTTP response header.
- Addition of x-xss-protection HTTP response header.
- "SameSite" attribute of all site cookies is now configurable.
- Minor edge-case bug fix in error-handling logic (task 45413).
- Upgraded .NET Framework dependency to v.4.7.2.
- Upgraded jquery library dependency to v.3.3.1.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- InstallationValidationEnabled
- CookieSameSiteAttribute - Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 44834, 44867, 45096, 45366, 45369, 45412)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.52.0 (03-sep-2018)
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite.
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 43927, 43961, 44470, 44715, 44718)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.51.3 (21-jun-2018)
- Minor updates to email-validation and password-reset functionality (tasks 43829, 43834, 43835).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.51.2 (13-jun-2018)
- Minor bug fix in password-reset functionality (task 43794).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.51.1 (12-jun-2018)
- Minor enhancement to new email validation functionality (ability for users to change their email address can now be disabled).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.51.0 (05-jun-2018)
- New feature: optionally force periodic validation of registered users' email addresses.
- Optionally only send bulk emails to subscribers who have recently validated their email address.
- Password-reset emails can now be sent from a different email address than the site's default from-address.
- Password-reset emails are now sent immediately, and do not rely upon the underlying Sitesuma service.
- Developer: new site config settings:
- OnlySendBulkEmailToUsersWithEmailAddressesValidatedLessThanXDaysAgoSettingID
- EmailValidationRequiredEveryXDaysSettingID
- PasswordResetEmailFromAddress
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.50.0 (16-may-2018)
New GDPR-related privacy features:
- It is now possible to permanently deleted personal user data for deleted users.
- New functionality to track where user creations originated (both source and URL).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.49.0 (13-apr-2018)
- New feature: Messages can be optionally auto-archived once older than a certain date.
- Simplified Sitesuma Service architecture with improved stability.
- Upgrade to .NET Framework 4.6.1.
- New developer feature: Tracked Data.
- Developer: new site config setting:
- AutoArchiveMessagesOlderThanXDays. - Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 36006, 36141, 36882, 37356, 41628, 41636, 42771, 42777)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.49)
v 5.48.2 (26-mar-2018)
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 36560, 38034, 41408)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.48.1 (07-dec-2017)
- Added support for custom Category Types.
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 35482, 36584)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.48.0 (26-oct-2017)
- Sites can now be configured to force all requests over HTTPS (via 301 permanent redirect).
- Fixed bug in Secondary Friendly URL logic relating to casing and query string handling.
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 35579, 35672, 38481)
- Developer: new site config setting:
- ForceAllRequestsOverHttps. - (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.47.4, v.5.45.1 (04-oct-2017)
- Maintenance release relating to archiving of old messages.
This change has also been applied to new legacy branch, 5.45.1, but will not be back-ported to releases between v 5.45 and v 5.47.4. - (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.47.3 (14-sep-2017)
- More graceful handling of edge-case errors caused by user session timeouts (task 37913).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.47.2 (20-may-2017)
- Developer: new site config setting: GenerateCanonicalTag.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.47.1 (23-mar-2017)
- Developer: new site config setting: DefaultSmallUserAvatarImagePath.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.47.0 (23-feb-2017)
- New core concept: Organisations.
- New core concept: User Following (Sitesuma users can now follow each other, on sites where this is enabled).
- New plugin: User Follow plugin (allows users to follow/unfollow other users).
- New plugin: User Followed List plugin (displays list of users being followed by a specified user).
- Fixed bug where in rare cases pages may appear multiple times in search results (This fix was also back-ported to v 5.39.1).
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
Legacy Update: v 5.39.1 (21-feb-2017)
- Fixed bug where in rare cases pages may appear multiple times in search results.
This fix will also be applied in next release (v 5.47), but will not be back-ported to releases between v 5.39.1 and v 5.47. - (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.38)
v 5.46.0 (07-feb-2017)
- Emails sent by Sitesuma Service can now include configurable display name.
- Developer: new site config setting: DefaultEmailFromDisplayName.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.46)
v 5.45.0 (18-jan-2017)
- Maintenance release: improved stability of Sitesuma Service (task 34968).
- Email analytics now enabled by default for new and upgraded sites.
- Developer: added diagnostic processing of email queue.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.45)
v 5.44.1 (12-jan-2017)
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 34867, 34880)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.44)
v 5.44.0 (13-dec-2016)
- Improved performance of Sitesuma back-end home page.
- Improved performance of "get user list" logic.
- Updated service to take advantage of slow-running process logging/reporting framework added in v.5.42.
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 33096, 34341)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.44)
v 5.43.2 (07-dec-2016)
- Improved performance of "create message" logic.
- Improved performance of "get user list" logic.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.41)
v 5.43.1 (29-nov-2016)
- Removed unused database indexes from Message table.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.41)
v 5.43.0 (17-nov-2016)
- Updated Public Sign Up plugin to use the Sitesuma Service email queue, and added support for rich-text emails.
- Performance improvements in User registration and User Group retrieval logic.
- Database performance tuning (task 32677).
- Developer: site-specific settings can now be stored in database alongside core Site Config Settings.
- Developer: new OnApplicationStart custom event handler added.
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 32686, 33066, 33084)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.41)
v 5.42.0 (09-nov-2016)
- Allow home page to live at site root (previously home pages had to have a friendly URL, typically "/home").
- New logging/reporting framework for slow-running processes.
- Secondary Friendly URLs (allows multiple friendly URLs for a single page - currently a developer-only feature).
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 31451, 32205, 32369, 32621, 32915, 27791, 31560, 32752, 32753, 32337)
- Developer: new site config settings: PerformanceMonitoringThresholdSeconds, PerformanceMonitoringSlowProcessLogFilePath, PerformanceMonitoringAlertEmailAddress.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.41)
v 5.41.2 (04-oct-2016)
- Performance improvement when logging in (both front-end and back-end).
- Developer: simplified new Sitesuma Event Handler discovery mechanism.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.41)
v 5.41.1 (29-sep-2016)
- Developer: new pluggable architecture allowing registration of site-specific callback handlers for core Sitesuma events.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.41)
v 5.41.0 (26-sep-2016)
- Performance improvements - message list retrieval.
- Improved efficiency of email and message storage.
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 32021, 12186)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.41)
v 5.40.2 (15-sep-2016)
- Maintenance release (tasks 31800, 31494)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.38)
v 5.40.1 (01-sep-2016)
- Performance improvements - user list retrieval.
- Developer: new site config settings: MaxDegreeOfParallelism, TwitterProfileUrl, LinkedInProfileUrl, GooglePlusProfileUrl, InstagramProfileUrl, DribbleProfileUrl, FacebookProfileUrl.
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 30849, 30960, 31408)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.38)
v 5.40.0 (08-jul-2016)
- Added a Messages tab to user details page in back-end, making it easy to see a filtered list of communication with an individual user.
- Sites can now be configured to query the Google Geolocation API to retrieve a user's latitude and longitude based on their address.
- Added social media and geolocation User fields.
- Developer: retrieve list of users sorted by distance from a point.
- Developer: user list can be optionally retrieved from cache rather than database.
- Developer: new site config settings: PreferredLoginMode, GeocodeUserAddressOnSave.
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 29833, 30329, 30519, 28992, 29655)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.38)
v 5.39.0 (27-may-2016)
- Updated Forum Board Summary plugin so that it can now work at forum level as well as board level, displaying recent topic updates across all boards of a given forum.
- Everywhere forum topics are listed (e.g. the Forum plugin, Forum Board Summary plugin) they are now sorted by last reply date descending, rather than topic created date descending.
- New concept: User Group Types
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.38)
v 5.38.0 (24-may-2016)
- Updated Forum plugin to enable upload of secure Document Resources (as attachments to forum posts)
- Updated Sitesuma Service to make it more flexible in non-standard hosting environments (task 29771)
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 29776, 29853)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.38)
v 5.37.1 (12-may-2016)
- Added Widget Manager to Forum plugin (available when in rich text mode)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.36)
v 5.37.0 (11-may-2016)
- Updated Smart List plugin to allow filtering of content by "created by" user
- Updated Forum plugin to allow restriction of Forum Boards to specific User Group/s
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 29272, 29274, 27845)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.36)
v 5.36.1 (19-apr-2016)
- Fixed critical bug in back-end page list (task 29147)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.36)
v 5.36.0 (21-mar-2016)
- Updated email service to introduce multiple email queues. Queues will now be processed on a priority basis, with urgent emails (e.g. password-resets) taking priority over less urgent emails (e.g. bulk newsletters).
- Updated login process so that email address can be optionally used instead of user name.
- Minor bug fix in Forum plugin (occasional JavaScript error on clicking Cancel)
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 27249, 26058, 27137)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.36)
v 5.30.1 and v 5.35.1 (13-nov-2015)
v 5.35.0 (05-nov-2015)
- Minor back-end UI bug fix relating to Internet Explorer 11 (task 14455)
- Minor bug fix in restricted editor page access permissions (task 26856)
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.34.2 (23-oct-2015)
- Smart List plugin can now be filtered by user name
- Minor update to Email Subscriber plugin (task 26822)
- Maintenance tasks and bug fixes (tasks 26799, 26531, 26349)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.34.1 (07-jul-2015)
- Minor bug fix (task 25605)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.34.0 (02-jul-2015)
- Document Resources now have a configurable Display Date (defaults to created date).
- Updated List Resource (and therefore Smart List plugin) to use new Document Resource Display Date.
- Performance improvement: static content cache duration has been increased.
- Performance improvement: render blocking JavaScript has been eliminated where possible.
- The Rich Text editor has historically used <br /> tags for carriage returns. This release adds the ability to configure this behaviour so that <p> or <div> tags may be optionally used instead.
- It is now possible to reuse the email address of a deleted user.
- Minor bug fixes (tasks 19733, 19754, 20455)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.33.0 (10-mar-2015)
- Rich Text editor bug fixes under IE10 and IE11
- Minor update to default robots.txt file (task 17845)
- Improved build process and runtime validation (tasks 17937, 17947)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.32.0 (16-feb-2015)
- Forum plugin now supports rich text formatting, plus document and image uploading
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.31.2 (22-jan-2015)
- Minor update to Smart List plugin (task 17449)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.21.1 and 5.31.1 (18-nov-2014)
- Bug fix in Smart List plugin relating to page post-backs (task 15831)
v 5.31.0 (16-oct-2014)
- Updated User Directory plugin to support secondary sub-filters
- Updated Breadcrumb plugin to support custom separator
- Minor bug fixes and maintenance (tasks 15415, 15244, 15155, 15154, 15153)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.30.0 (08-sep-2014)
- Logging out in one browser will now forcibly kill open sessions in other browsers/devices
- Canonical links (added in v.5.28) will now always use HTTPS
- Added new "update available" panel to back-end home page
- Added new "site statistics" panel to back-end home page
- Fixed bug relating to rel="prev" and rel="next" links added in v.5.28 (task 14652)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.29.0 (21-aug-2014)
- Users can optionally be forced to change their passwords after a configurable number of days
- Improved performance of back-end User table (task 14972)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.28.0 (08-jul-2014)
- robots.txt is now configurable on a site-by-site basis.
- Canonical link will be automatically written to the page header, for the benefit of SEO.
- rel="prev" and rel="next" links will be written to the page header when pageable plugins appear on the page, for the benefit of SEO.
- Page title length can now be restricted. Maximum length is configurable on a site-by-site basis, but defaults to 60 characters.
- It is now possible to disable the automatic addition of client name to the end of HTML page titles.
- Client name will only be automatically added to HTML page title if it doesn't cause title to exceed maximum length.
- Keywords meta tag will no longer be written to page header.
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.27.0 (06-jun-2014)
- Enhanced RSS functionality - RSS feeds can now include full page content within feed
- Improved performance of back-end Message table
- Fixed minor bug in back-end Message table (task 14164)
- Fixed date format bug in RSS feed generator (task 14242)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.27)
v 5.26.1 (05-jun-2014)
- Fixed bug which prevented emails being sent (task 14296)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.21)
v 5.26.0 (15-may-2014)
- Improved performance of Message table for sites with 10k+ messages
- Simplified Message search in Sitesuma back-end
- Fixed bug in Breadcrumb plugin (task 14010)
- Fixed bug in Document Upload plugin (task 14089)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.21)
v 5.25.0 (15-apr-2014)
- New plugin: Document Upload
- New plugin: User Directory
- New plugin: Forum Board Summary
- Back-end and front-end login controls can now display a "remember me" option
- Updated Forum plugin to display user avatar images and link to user profile page
- User Biography plugin can now use page "Display After Date" rather than default to last published date
- Updated Breadcrumb plugin to include HTML5 microdata
- Updated User Biography plugin to link to user profile page
- Products are now sorted by date created, descending
- Minor update to Search Entry plugin (task 13597)
- Bug fix in Content Quality Checker
- Minor bug fixes (Tasks 13527, 13793, 13794)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.21)
v 5.24.0 (13-mar-2014)
- New feature: Image List Resource (including API for retrieval)
- New feature: Automatically generated "presentation thumbnails" for use in image galleries, etc.
- New feature: Image Gallery plugin
- Improved CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection
- Upgraded Telerik control suite
- Minor bug fixes (Tasks 13434, 12842, 12841)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.21)
v 5.23.0 (14-feb-2014)
- Improved Smart List category filter - can now be configured to return results matching ALL categories as well as ANY categories
- Category lists are now ordered alphabetically
- Minor bug fix in Resource Library grid paging GUI (Task 13156)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.21)
v 5.22.0 (10-feb-2014)
- Completed initial development of product catalogue administration interface
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.21)
v 5.21.0 (16-dec-2013)
- New feature: Email Analytics - track views and unsubscribes of emails sent via Sitesuma
- New feature: management interface for URL Redirect Table added in v.5.7
- Updated Twitter API wrapper library
- Bug fix in Document Resource thumbnail editor
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.21)
v 5.20.0 (03-dec-2013)
- Improved email alert unsubscribe process to prevent accidental/malicious unsubscribing of other users
- Added ability to indicate a page should be ignored by Content Quality Checker
- Improved the process of uploading images from within the rich text editor
- Added ".webm" as allowed Video Resource type
- Improved Sitesuma service logging
- Fixed scheduling bug in Content Quality Checker and Event Log Digest service jobs
- Minor bug fix in Resource Library grids relating to default sort order
- Minor bug fix in Latest Activity panel where Resource updates were ignoring filter settings
- Minor bug fixes in Content Quality Checker (Tasks 12476, 12490)
- Minor bug fix relating to multiple search results plugins on same page
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.20)
v 5.19.0 (15-nov-2013)
- New feature: optional Content Quality warnings when publishing page (broken links, missing page meta-data, etc.)
- New feature: optional scheduled email of Content Quality report for entire site
- New feature: optional scheduled email summary of recent site activity
- Improved global find and replace functionality added in v.5.16
- Improvements to Sitesuma service (Tasks 8518)
- Minor bug fixes (Tasks 12272, 12392, 12405)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.19)
v 5.18.0 (29-oct-2013)
- Continued development of product catalogue administration interface
- New feature: access to Sitesuma backend login page can now be optionally restricted by IP address for added security
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.17.0 (19-oct-2013)
- Major new functionality: product catalogue and eCommerce functionality
- New feature: images and documents can now be uploaded directly from within the rich text editor
- New feature: admins can receive optional email alert when Restricted Editors update the site
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.16.0 (27-sep-2013)
All features in this release are found in the CMS backend:
- New feature: grid filtering/sorting is now maintained throughout logged in session (affects Resource Library, User list, Message list, etc.)
- New feature: global find and replace within managed site content (requires developer access)
- New feature: page search - quickly find pages in the page list based on title
- New feature: simplified move page up/down in site navigation
- New feature: alternate page list icons for redirect pages
- Minor bug fix in Resource Library search
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.15.0 (29-aug-2013)
- Items in the Resource Library are now sorted by last updated date (descending)
- Improved Resource Library search for Documents and Images
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.14.0 (31-jul-2013)
- Security enhancement: Improved protection against authenticated cookie replay attacks
- Security enhancement: optionally encrypt ViewState
- Security enhancement: it's now impossible to infer what email addresses are registered with the site using the "password reset" functionality
- Minor bug fix in Image Resource editor (task 11670)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.13.0 (17-jul-2013)
- New plugin: Social Meta Data (for better sharing support with Facebook and Twitter)
- Updated Twitter Feed plugin to address retirement of Twitter API v.1.0
- Minor security improvement: remove ASP.NET version number from HTTP header
- Minor update to Sitesuma Regular/Pro templates (task 11547)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.12.5 (01-may-2013)
- Fixed bug in URL rewrite logic introduced in v.5.12.4 (task 10913)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.12.4 (25-apr-2013)
- URL redirection to primary domain now preserves path and query string
- Minor bug fix in Twitter Feed plugin (task 10775)
- Minor bug fix in URL rewrite logic (task 10889)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.12.3 (04-apr-2013)
- Modified Document Resource download handler to allow PDFs to open in same browser window
- Minor bug fix in Document Resource download handler relating to Android mobile devices
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.12.2 (26-mar-2013)
- Performance improvements
- Minor update to Twitter Feed plugin
- Bug fix in XSS validation logic
- Minor bug fixes in caching logic
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.12.1 (14-mar-2013)
- Modified URL case-correction logic introduced in v.5.10 to allow query strings to remain case-sensitive
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.12.0 (12-mar-2013)
- Hardened protection against clickjacking attacks
- Optional CAPTCHA required after multiple failed login attempts
- Updated and improved password-reset process
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.11.0 (28-feb-2013)
- New plugin: Twitter Feed - fetches tweet list using new authenticated Twitter API
- New page request validation logic to harden defences against XSS (cross site scripting) attacks
- Multiple failed login attempts will now introduce a temporary account lockout to minimise risk of brute force password attacks
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v and v (18-feb-2013)
- Fixed bug in CAPTCHA control relating to case correction logic added in v.5.10 (task 10470)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.10.2 (13-feb-2013)
- Fixed issue relating to embedded Flash video (task 9750)
- Various maintenance tasks
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.10.1 (19-dec-2012)
- Bug fix release addressing a couple of issues introduced by the case correction redirect logic added in v.5.10 (tasks 10144 and 10153)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.10.0 (14-dec-2012)
- Page requests are now forced to lower case, improving SEO and site traffic analysis
- Improved client-side caching for static site elements (images, CSS, javascript, etc)
- Added MP4 as an allowed Video Resource
- Upgraded jQuery library to 1.8.3
- Added sitemap link to robots.txt file
- Removed redundant directives from robots.txt file
- Mass emails now default to "send to selected user groups" rather than "send to all subscribers" preventing accidental sending
- Bug fix which prevented emails being saved as drafts/templates in certain situations
- Minor bug fix in URL merging logic (task 10078)
- Upgraded FullCalendar control used on Sitesuma Regular/Pro templates
- Added HTML language tag to Sitesuma Regular/Pro templates
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v and v (05-nov-2012)
- Minor bug fix in Smart List plugin (task 9837)
- (releases linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.9.1 (02-nov-2012)
- Minor update to Snippet plugin (task 9816)
- Edge case bug fix to Rich Text plugin relating to unexpected control characters (task 9802)
- Minor fix in redirect logic (task 9719)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.9.0 (16-oct-2012)
- New plugin - Search Category List
- Updated Smart List plugin - results list can now optionally show list of related categories
- Fixed bug in User Biography plugin (task 8635)
- Minor bug fix in "user - direct email" logic (task 9582)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v (12-sep-2012)
- Minor update to User Profile plugin (task 9471)
- Minor update to Sitesuma Regular/Pro templates (task 9471)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.8.1 (29-aug-2012)
- Fixed jQuery path
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.8.0 (28-aug-2012)
- Introduced system reserved Snippet Resources
- Minor bug fixes and improvements to Page Creator plugin (tasks 9280 and 9385)
- Upgraded jQuery library
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.7.0 (23-jul-2012)
- New functionality - URL Redirect Table (useful for setting up batch 301 redirects when switching domains, or migrating from old to new site structure)
- Minor improvement to Friendly URL functionality (task 9180)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.6.0 (05-jul-2012)
- Added new page setting to allow pages to optionally open in new window when liked to from site navigation
- Fixed bug in Smart List plugin which prevented deleted pages from being purged when Smart List plugins were in use
- Fixed bug in cookie warning functionality added in v.5.4 (task 9015)
- Minor bug fixes (tasks 8534, 8974, 8871)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v and v (22-jun-2012)
- Fixed bug relating to custom HTTP Status Code functionality added in v.5.1.0.
v (18-jun-2012)
- Minor update to Sitesuma Regular/Pro templates (task 8917)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.5.1 (01-jun-2012)
- Minor bug fix in Page Creator plugin (task 8816)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.5.0 (24-may-2012)
- New resource type: Snippets (including new Snippet plugin for displaying Snippet Resources, either as server-side include or via iframe, plus API for client-side Snippet retrieval)
- Added quick-edit link to Smart List plugin editor to provide a short cut to editing existing List Resources
- Minor update to User Profile plugin (task 7926)
- Fixed bug in Reset Password logic (task 7864)
- Minor bug fixes (tasks 8709, 8170)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v (23-may-2012)
- Fixed bug which prevented Audio/Video Resources from being edited
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v and v 5.4.2 (17-may-2012)
- Fixed bug which prevented List Resources from being deleted in certain situations
- (both releases linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.4.1 (10-may-2012)
- Enhanced Forum plugin - email alerts can now be optionally sent to site administrator when new post is created
- Improved performance of List Resource editor
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.4.0 (26-apr-2012)
- New feature: optionally display one-time warning regarding cookie use, or even require consent to be given before cookies may be used (enabling compliance with forthcoming EU cookie law)
- Minor improvements to Page Creator plugin (tasks 8458, 8460, 7166)
- Numerous minor bug fixes (tasks 8439, 8370, 7870)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.3.0 (13-apr-2012)
- New resource type: List Resource
- Deprecated the old Smart List plugin and created a new Smart List plugin which uses the new List Resource instead of storing its own settings - this allows List Resources to be used in multiple places across the site.
- Numerous minor GUI fixes/improvements to the backend admin pages
- Minor HTML validation bug fixes (tasks 7664, 7665)
- Improved error reporting for PubliSite Service
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.3)
v 5.2.0 (06-mar-2012)
- Resource Manager now allows simultaneous upload of multiple Document and Image Resources
- New Quick Edit pop-up editor for editing Document and Image Resources
- Document Resource file names can now be changed on the server without requiring a new upload
- Improved error checking and reporting in Sitesuma Service
- Fixed date formatting bug in Sitemap generator (task 7958)
- (release linked to Sitesuma Service v 5.2)
v 5.1.0 (23-feb-2012)
- Major GUI update and overhaul
- PubliSite -> Sitesuma rebranding
- Emails can now be saved as drafts and templates, and reopened at a later date
- Added ability to forward previously sent messages
- Added a prompt to prevent users from accidentally navigating away when composing an email alert
- Added the ability to inject custom HTML code within the tag of each page
- Added the ability to return a custom HTTP Status Code for each page (e.g. returning a 404 for the 'Page Not Found' page)
- Previously the majority of redirects used by PubliSite were implemented as 302 (temporary) redirects. This has been changed to 301 (permanent) redirects in most cases, which helps with SEO.
- Introduced a new 'Public Login URL' Site Config Setting to allow for better restricted page access workflow
v 5.0.0 (Internal Release, 06-feb-2012)
- Improved Google Analytics integration (including new Google Analytics plugin)
- Upgraded Telerik control suite
- Extensive style/CSS changes (including numerous breaking changes)
- Added password reset facility to PubliSite login
- New Style Guide to help with CSS modification
- Improved list grids in PubliSite back-end (task 7607)
- Improved XHTML validation (including task 7416)
- Minor Smart List bug fix (task 7419)
v 4.18.2 (27-jan-2012)
- Minor bug fix in Resource Manager's Event Resource list (task 7465)
v 4.18.1 (30-nov-2011)
- Added ability to export Event Resource list as iCalendar (.ics) file
- New plugin: ICalendar Download Link
- Modified Event Resource functionality to bring it more in line with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, etc.
v 4.18.0 (16-nov-2011)
- Totally revamped email service to help manage mass email campaigns with highly configurable subscriber lists
- New rich text editor for composing HTML emails (with support for a plain text alternative)
- Better management of emails sent to individual users
- Searchable, filterable archive of all email sent from the site
- Text replacement - insert user details (such as first and last name) into mass emails
- Trigger email alerts for document publication, not just page publication
- Updated User Profile plugin to allow configuration of category subscriptions
- Updated Email Subscriber plugin to enable category subscriptions
- Upgraded jQuery library
v 4.17.0 (06-oct-2011)
- Event Resources (including new plugin, "Next Events", plus new JSON API for event list retrieval)
- Ability to edit site CSS files through PubliSite
- Template descriptions
- New interface for managing template settings (name, description and visibility)
- Password strength policy is now configurable
- Ability to create and manage non-PubliSite Editor users (useful for Page Creator plugin)
- New user role - Developer
- Cache Manager can now be used by site-specific plugins
- New auto-generated XML sitemap
- Upgrade of Telerik control suite
- Upgrade to .NET Framework 4.0
- Minor improvements to navigation plugins (tasks 4103, 4105)
- Minor improvement to Forum plugin (task 4004)
- Minor improvement to User Biography plugin (task 3994)
- Minor improvement to Video List plugin (task 3995)
- Minor improvement to robots.txt file (task 3289)
- Minor improvements and bug fixes in Smart List plugin (tasks 4360, 1803)
- Minor bug fix in Email Subscriber plugin (task 3999)
- Minor bug fix in PubliSite edit mode tooltip icons (task 3812)
- Minor bug fix in User Profile plugin (task 4003)
- Minor bug fix in RSS feed publisher service (task 2669)
- Minor bug fix in Email Alert service (task 4233)
v 4.16.1 (07-jul-2011)
- Minor bug fix in Smart List plugin
v 4.16.0 (07-jun-2011)
(interim release due to long development cycle of v.4.17)
- Improved Smart List plugin
- Improved Page Creator plugin
- Minor update to Forum plugin
- Fixed minor bug in Rich Text plugin
v 4.15.1 (16-jul-2010)
- Edge case bug fix in thumbnail generation code
v 4.15.0 (15-jul-2010)
- New plugin: Flash Video Player
- New plugin: Flash Video List
- Flash Video Lists can also be embedded via the Rich Text editor
- Google Analytics summary now displayed in CMS
- New feature: resource thumbnails
- New feature: "User Message" storage and retrieval
- New "add another resource" button to improve Resource Manager workflow
- Major rewrite of PubliSite service (with added functionality and improved performance)
- Improved performance when viewing resources
- Improved HTML compression
- Generated thumbnails are now cropped (previously they were squashed)
- Minor Improvements to Page Creator plugin
- Upgraded Telerik control suite
- Various security enhancements
- Fixed bug when trying to embed WMV files in Rich Text editor
- Fixed bug when deleting pages with undeleted child pages
- Fixed bug when deleting pages containing RSS Reader plugin data
- Fixed bug when deleting pages containing RSS Feed Subscriber plugin data
- Minor Smart List plugin bug fixes and enhancements
- Minor User Biography plugin bug fixes
- Minor IE6 bug fix
- Various minor bug fixes
v 4.14.2 (24-may-2010)
- Edge case bug fixes in Menu plugin
v 4.14.1 (31-mar-2010)
- Minor multilingual update
v 4.14.0 (09-feb-2010)
- Fixed bug in Search Entry plugin
v 4.13.0 (01-feb-2010)
- Minor maintenance release
v 4.12.0 (26-jan-2010)
- New feature: Additional Page Information
- New feature: Quick Edit plugin
- New feature: Template thumbnails
- New 'Save and Publish' functionality when editing an existing page
- Enhanced Logout plugin to allow redirecting upon successful logout
- Editors now get warned when logging into PubliSite using an unsupported browser
- Enhanced functionality of User Biography plugin (configurable avatar image sizes)
- Enhanced admin user list to display age verification properties
- Added filename column to resource browsers in Rich Text plugin
- Increased number of Page Creator plugin content fields
- Added a link manager to the Page Creator plugin
- Pages created by Page Creator plugin can now be automatically assigned to a category
- Improved Page Creator plugin notification email
- Fixed bug in User Biography plugin
- Numerous minor bug fixes
v 4.11.1 (14-jan-2010)
- Minor modification to User Profile plugin
v 4.11.0 (17-nov-2009)
Major Features
- New optional age verification fields for site users
- New privacy settings for site users
- New 'Latest Activity' panel
- New 'Save as Copy' functionality when editing an existing page
- Enhanced functionality of Page Creator plugin (additional fields, dynamic image resizing, optional text modes, plus more)
Minor Updates
- Added multilingual support to User Profile plugin
- Added multilingual support to Public Sign Up plugin
- All user profile fields are now optional
- Improved facility for adding internal site links via the Rich Text editor
- Usernames may now be optionally sent along with passwords when using the 'forgotten password' functionality
- Performance improvements when viewing/editing resources
- Minor improvement to Rich Text editor workflow
- Minor enhancement to Favourites plugin
- Numerous minor enhancements
Bug Fixes
- Bug fix in Cache Manager
- Bug fix in user list filtering
- Bug fix in Redirect plugin - it is now possible to redirect to child page of current page
- Bug fix in 'reset password' functionality of Login plugin
- Minor bug fix in Top Level Navigation plugin
- Minor bug fixes in 'export user list to Excel' functionality
- Numerous minor bug fixes
v 4.10.1 (05-oct-2009)
- Minor bug fix in Menu plugin
- Minor bug fix in Friendly URL functionality when running under IIS6
v 4.10.0 (15-sep-2009)
- New plugin - User Biography plugin
- New plugin - Send To Friend plugin
- New plugin - Keywords plugin
- New functionality - Simple Data Manager
- New functionality - IP address flood protection
- Improved Forum plugin - posts can now be displayed date ascending or descending
- Improved Forum plugin - added optional moderation on all posts
- Improved Forum plugin so that it can be used to manage comments for blog posts
- Added optional CAPTCHA to Forum plugin
- Added WYSIWYG editor to Page Creator plugin
- Improved 'Page Published' email alerts - these can now be configured with both text and HTML alternate views
- Minor bug fix in Email Subscriber plugin
v 4.9.1 (13-aug-2009)
- New feature - SSL is now optional
- New feature - user list can now be exported
- Minor GUI bug fixes
v 4.9 (10-aug-2009)
Major Features
- Major GUI improvements to CMS - new page list, navigation bar, Resource Manager, etc.(Ease of use and speed significantly increased).
- Major new functionality - Restricted Editors
- Admins now have the ability to create external editors with limited access
- New plugin - Page Creator plugin
- Allows restricted editors to create a simple page using the WYSIWYG editor
- Added ability for site admins to manage User Groups
- Create user groups with access to only certain parts of the site. Plus control public access to pages and documents.
- Added functionality to control User Groups access to categories
- Added functionality to control User Groups access to branches of the site
- Added functionality to allow site admins to manage edit and view access to resources
Minor Updates
- Improved Smart List plugin - document filesizes can now be displayed in results
- Improved Smart List plugin - document icons can now be displayed in results
- Improved edit mode of Redirect plugin
- Improved way resources are inserted in the Rich Text plugin
- Improved caching strategy for improved performance
- Improved GUI for differentiating between UTC and current local time (Makes it easier to understand the server-time, when setting a page to publish at a certain time).
- Improved error handling during page publishing/deleting process
- Minor improvement to RSS Feed Reader plugin
Bug Fixes
- Major bug fix in Forum plugin relating to deleting pages which use the Forum plugin
- Minor bug fix in multilingual functionality of Login plugin
- Minor bug fix relating to resource filenames
- Minor bug fix in Friendly URL functionality
- Minor bug fix in the way MP3 files are inserted in Rich Text plugin
- Minor bug fix in Forum plugin relating to Restricted Editors
v 4.8 (01-jun-2009)
Major Features
- New feature - RSS Feed Reader plugin. (Allows for the display of RSS (xml/atom) feeds on your site)
- New feature - User Profile Images. (Upload your photo/image).
Minor Features
- Improved functionality of Smart List plugin - now uses 'Display After Date' instead of 'Published Date'.
- Improved HTML rendering of meta tags.
- Improved configurability of Logout plugin.
- Extended functionality of custom user info fields.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed button focus bug in Search Entry plugin.
- Fixed control visibility bug in RSS Feed Subscriber plugin.
v 4.7 (03-may-2009)
Minor Features
- Minor GUI enhancements.
- Minor Add Favourite plugin enhancement.
- Minor Menu plugin enhancement.
- Minor Smart List plugin enhancement.
- Minor output caching enhancement.
Bug Fixes
- Minor Friendly URL validation fixes.
v 4.6 (14-apr-2009)
Major Features
- New feature - Friendly URLs. (You can name your pages to help with SEO)
- Added CAPTCHA functionality to Public Sign Up Plugin. (Verfies a sign up is human to help avoid spam)
Minor Features
- Minor bug fix in Bookmark Plugin.
- Minor bug fix in Page Thumbnail logic.
- Minor enhancements to CAPTCHA functionality.
- Minor enhancement to Resource Manager.
v 4.5 (13-mar-2009)
Major Features
- New feature - page thumbnails. (Create a page thumbnail which can be displayed in a smartlist).
- New feature - "My Favourites" Plugins. (Allows registered users to make a selection of pages and share them).
Minor Features
- Improvements to login process.
- Improved "404: Page Not Found" error handling.
- Enhancements to Search Entry Plugin.
- Minor SEO improvements.
- Minor bug fixes in Resource Manager.
- Minor bug fix in Category List.
v 4.4 (02-feb-2009)
Major Features
- New feature - RSS feeds. (Publish an RSS feed).
- New feature - Widget plugin. (Easily add embed code to you site (youtube etc).)
Minor Features
- Increased the amount of data that can be stored for users, including the introduction of custom data fields on site-by-site basis.
- Wide-sweeping look n' feel changes to the GUI.
- Enhanced site search: search can now be restricted by category; search now displays documents separately to pages; can now search by quoted search term, not just keywords.
- Added ability to store additional HTML title for pages.
- Added new CAPTCHA functionality to Feedback Form plugin.
- Improved paging, sorting and filtering in Resource Manager lists.
- Improved help system.
- Improved user list page - user list now displays additional data, and is fully sortable/filterable/pageable.
- Minor Search Engine Optimisation improvements.
- Minor enhancement to Feedback Form plugin.
Bug Fixes
- Minor bug fixes in Rich Text plugin.
- Fixed bug where "add revision note" window was disappearing too quickly when saving a page.
- Fixed bug in "resource used by page" functionality.
v 4.3.1 (16-dec-2008)
Minor Features
- Upgraded anti-spam functionality of Feedback Form plugin.
v 4.3 (24-nov-2008)
Minor Features
- Upgraded Rich Text plugin. Numerous enhancements, css improvements and bug-fixes.
- Enhanced functionality of Feedback plugin.
v 4.2 (31-oct-2008)
- Enhanced functionality of Menu plugin to make it more suitable in use as a sitemap.
- Minor visual enhancement to Redirect plugin editor.
- Fixed bug in Redirect plugin.
v 4.1 (22-oct-2008)
- New plugin - 'Redirect'.
- Major speed improvements.
- Enhanced functionality of Forum plugin.
- Enhanced multilingual support.
- Added multilingual functionality to Top Level Navigation plugin.
- Added multilingual functionality to Bread Crumb Navigation plugin.
- Added multilingual functionality to Menu plugin.
- Made login timeout duration more flexible.
- Minor enhancements to page history feature.
- Minor enhancement to Menu plugin.
- Fixed bug in Single Image plugin.
v 4.0 (08-oct-2008)
- New feature - multilingual website support. Manage site content in multiple languages.
- Added multilingual functionality to Smart List plugin.
- Added multilingual functionality to Single Image plugin.
- Added multilingual functionality to Flash plugin.
- Added multilingual functionality to Simple Text plugin.
- Added multilingual functionality to Rich Text plugin.
- Minor visual improvements in PubliSite backend.
- Minor modification to page history functionality.
- Fixed bug in Smart List plugin.
- Fixed bug in Simple Text plugin.
v 3.15 (25-sep-2008)
- Minor XHTML validation improvements.
- Minor GUI enhancements.
v 3.14 (23-sep-2008)
- New feature: Page History. Allows users to view a page's history, including all updates, notes on what was updated, what date a version was published, etc., and furthermore allows a user to "roll-back" a page to an old version.
- XHTML validation improvements.
v 3.13 (15-sep-2008)
- Minor bug fix to output caching mechanism.
v 3.12 (12-sep-2008)
- New plugin: 'Smart List'.
- New plugin: 'Bookmark This'.
- New plugin: 'Feedback Form'.
- CSS enhancement to News List plugin.
- Visual enhancement to PubliSite backend.
- Enhanced Logout plugin.
- Added ability to hide pages and resources from site search.
- Minor enhancement to Rich Text plugin (ability to enable/disable client script at template level).
- Table styles bug fix in Rich Text plugin.
- Security fix in Forum plugin.
- Fixed bug which prevented carriage returns in forum posts.
- Upgraded Telerik control suite.
- Upgraded PubliSite to target Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 (previously 2.0)
v 3.11 (01-sep-2008)
- Fixed bug in News Item List plugin.
v 3.10 (22-aug-2008)
- Disabled plugin-level output caching for a number of plugins due to a rare bug.
- Fixed bug in News Item List plugin.
v 3.9 (30-jul-2008)
- Major improvements to output caching model.
- Output caching bug fixes.
- Fixed bug relating to creating tables in Rich Text editor.
- Fixed Rich Text editor bug which occurred in Mac/Safari.
- Fixed minor IE6 bug in Top Level Navigation plugin.
- Some minor css fixes.
v 3.8 (22-jul-2008)
- Enhanced functionality of Top Level Navigation plugin.
- Enhanced functionality of News Item List plugin.
- Enhanced functionality of Email Subscriber plugin.
- Numerous bug fixes.
v 3.7 (11-jul-2008)
- Built new NewsItemMiniSummary plugin, and deprecated old one (which is still in use by some sites). The new version of this plugin is much more flexible, and supports more data for each news item, e.g. thumbnail, summary, etc.
- Enhanced functionality of Menu plugin.
- Enhanced functionality of Rich Text plugin.
- Added timestamp to page meta data to help with output cache troubleshooting.
v 3.6 (06-jun-2008)
v 3.5 (23-may-2008)
v 3.4 (09-may-2008)
v 3.3 (06-may-2008)
v 3.2 (25-apr-2008)
v 3.1 (16-apr-2008)
v 3.0 (05-apr-2008)
v 2.1 (23-oct-2007)
v 2.0 (08-oct-2007)