BoxOffice WP

A simple way to integrate Spektrix with your WordPress website.

We developed BoxOffice WP, a WordPress plugin, to simplify the integration of the Spektrix ticketing system with WordPress websites. The goal was to provide theatres with a hassle-free solution to manage and display their events while streamlining the booking process for their audiences.

Objectives and approach

The primary objectives for developing BoxOffice WP were to eliminate the need for complex API integration, ensure event listings and details were always up-to-date, enhance the user experience with a seamless booking process, and provide extensive customization options to meet the diverse needs of theatres.

Our approach centred on user-centric design and ease of use. We aimed to create a plugin that could be easily installed and configured, even by users with minimal technical expertise.

We began with thorough research to understand the pain points and requirements of theatres using Spektrix and WordPress. Engaging with stakeholders and end-users helped us gather crucial insights. Based on this research, we designed intuitive interfaces and created prototypes to ensure that the plugin would be user-friendly and meet the needs of theatres. Rapid prototyping and iterative feedback sessions were key components of this stage.

Our development team then built the BoxOffice WP plugin using the latest WordPress standards. We ensured that the event listing automated synchronisation with Spektrix to keep events current, displaying them in a filterable and sortable grid for easy navigation. Each event received a dedicated, search-optimised page with detailed information and booking buttons, improving online visibility and user convenience.

To make installation and configuration straightforward, we implemented a user-friendly setup process where users simply install the plugin and enter their Spektrix feed URL. The plugin also streamlined the booking process by creating all necessary pages, from browsing to checkout, ensuring a seamless user experience. Additionally, we included dedicated Gutenberg blocks to offer full control over layout and functionality, empowering site editors with extensive customisation options.

Rigorous testing followed the development phase. This included functional testing, usability testing, and compatibility testing across various WordPress themes and versions to ensure robustness and reliability. Post-launch, we provided ongoing support and updates to address any issues and incorporate user feedback for continuous improvement.

BoxOffice WP


The development of BoxOffice WP achieved significant success. Theatres can now integrate Spektrix with their WordPress websites without the need for complex API configurations, significantly reducing setup time and technical barriers. The plugin offers a seamless and intuitive booking process, enhancing customer satisfaction by guiding users effortlessly from event browsing to final checkout.

Automated synchronisation ensures that event listings are always current, reducing manual work and errors. The inclusion of Gutenberg blocks and extensive configuration options allows theatres to tailor their websites to their specific needs, maintaining a unique and engaging online presence.

BoxOffice WP represents a significant advancement in how theatres integrate their ticketing systems with their WordPress websites. By addressing the key challenges and providing a user-friendly, customisable solution, our development of BoxOffice WP has empowered theatres to manage their events more efficiently and provide a superior booking experience to their audiences.

BoxOffice WP

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