Mole Valley District Council

Amplifying membership opportunities by developing a custom basket for Spektrix.

Mole Valley District Council engaged us to enhance the Spektrix integration for their Dorking Halls venue.

A custom solution

Collaborating closely, we developed a custom basket page that pulled basket items directly from the Spektrix API. This approach enabled us to:

  • Arrange and display basket items in a custom layout.
  • Provide dynamic and visually engaging information about the benefits of membership subscriptions.
  • Encourage users to consider a membership purchase by highlighting cost savings.

The custom solution simplifies the process for users to benefit from membership subscriptions and the associated savings. These improvements not only made it easier for customers to utilise memberships but also helped the venue grow its membership base and strengthen customer relationships.

We also improved the styling of the existing iframes where possible, ensuring a consistent look and feel across the website despite the inherent constraints of the Spektrix system.

Mole Valley District Council

Improved user experience

The newly designed Basket page significantly improved the user experience. Key outcomes included:

  • Increased membership subscriptions: By clearly displaying the benefits and savings of memberships at the point of purchase, users were more inclined to subscribe.
  • Enhanced user interface: The custom layout provided a more intuitive and engaging way to view basket items and membership benefits.
  • Streamlined integration: Leveraging the Spektrix API allowed for a seamless and efficient ticketing process, maintaining the functional integrity of the existing system while improving its usability.

Mole Valley District Council

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