Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Communicate that when grown sustainably palm oil is a force for good.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), is a global, not-for-profit organisation with voluntary members. It was formed in 2004 by founding members the World Wildlife Fund, the Malaysian Palm Oil Association (MPOA), Unilever, AAK, and Migros.

The two sides of palm oil

RSPO is working to transform the palm oil industry to make it sustainable, this involves everyone in it from oil palm producers to processors or traders and consumer goods manufacturers.

Palm oil has a mixed reputation. If produced unsustainably, it can have negative impacts – on the environment, on wildlife and on human rights. However, palm oil has a positive impact on the planet and people when grown sustainably and our role was to communicate the two sides to palm oil.

Working closely with the digital team at RSPO, who are based in Malaysia, we undertook a series of workshops and developed solutions through visual prototyping.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Reaching a global audience

RSPO’s audience is global and the site is multilingual, using Google neural translations to automatically translate the text from English to over 10 other languages.

The site had to provide all stakeholders, from individuals, to smallholders, and organisations with the tools needed to take action and make sustainable palm oil the norm.

Many of the tools available for members are integrated with Salesforce via its API.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

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